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Category Archives: axis2/c
Code Generate Custom SOAP Faults For Axis2/C
Web services use SOAP faults to report fault cases back to clients. The faults can be generated from the SOAP framework in a case of invalid SOAP messages, invalid security tokens or they can be generated from the service business … Continue reading
Posted in 2 minutes guide, adb, axis2/c, codegen, SOA, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsdl2c, xml schema
Tagged axis2/c, custom, example, faults, handling, SOAP, throwing, WSDL, wsdl2c
Hello World To Web Services With C And C++
Once you have a web service, you can write clients to invoke that service from any language, mostly with the help of a framework written in to that particular language. When it comes to C, the most popular choice is … Continue reading
Posted in axiom, axis2/c, SOA, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/c++, wso2, xml
Tagged axis2/c, C, hello world, Web Service, wsf/cpp
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Using AXIOM/C As The XML Object Model
In Apache Axis2/C AXIOM is used as the basic object model to represent XML. AXIOM provide a DOM like API that allows to traverse and build the XML very easily. Anyway in underneath, AXIOM is different from DOM, as it … Continue reading
Posted in axiom, axis2/c, DataServices, drupal, php, SOA, Tutorial/Guide, web services
Tagged AXIOM/C, axiom_node_t*, axis2/c, Buffer, xml
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Sending Binary with Apache Axis2/C ADB
Axis2/C ADB is a C language binding to the XML schema. ADB object model represents an XML specific to a given schema in a WSDL. You can use the Axis2 codegen tool to generate ADB codes for your WSDL and … Continue reading
Posted in adb, axis2/c, codegen, SOA, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsdl2c, xml, xml schema
Tagged adb, axis2/c, base64 binary, binary, wsdl2c
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Apache Axis2/C RESTful URL Mapping Algorithm
Few weeks back I wrote a blog post about Writing RESTful Services in C which explain the use of Axis2/C REST API. Basically when you provide a HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE) and a HTTP URL, it is … Continue reading
Posted in algorithm, axis2/c, REST, RESTful, SOA, web services
Tagged algorithm, axis2/c, C, REST, time complexity
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Compiling and Debugging Axis2/C Services And Clients Using Visual Studio
I have been working in Linux for a long time and recently moved to windows for a little change. (Hopefully for a little time :). I find it is really easy to create a project for an Axis2/C client or … Continue reading
Posted in axis2/c, Tutorial/Guide, web services
Tagged axis2/c, compile, debug, Headers, libraries, visual studio, windows
Invoking WSF/PHP Web Services Through Proxy
If you are behind a proxy server you need to configure your client to send the request through proxy. With WSF/PHP you can do it in two ways. 1. Setting proxy configuration in WSClient itself You can use the ‘proxyHost’ … Continue reading
Posted in axis2/c, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged axis2.xml, proxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, WSClient, wsf/php
Understanding Apache Axis2/C Services
If you have ever written an Apache Axis2/C service, there is a 99.9% chance that you have used the codegen tool to generate the code for the service. If so you only need to write your business logic inside functions … Continue reading
Posted in axis2/c, Tutorial/Guide, web services
Tagged axis2.xml, axis2/c, services, Skeleton, svc_skeleton
Use Axis2/C WSDL2C With Unwrapped Mode for Simpler Code
WSDL2Java and WSDL2C tools shipped with the Axis2/Java project are used to generate Stubs(client side) and Skeletons(Server Side) respectively for Axis2/Java and Axis2/C codes. This make the development of web services and consumers more quicker and easier. The tools come … Continue reading
Posted in adb, axis2/c, codegen, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsdl2c, xml schema
Tagged axis2/c, Code generation, codegen, Easier, Simple, unwrapped, wsdl2c
How to Hack Axis2 Codegen templates from an Axis2 Binary
I have been working for Axis2/C codegen tool for sometime now and I found lot of users who want to edit the codegen templates for a more optimized code specific to their use cases. This is mainly because codegen tool … Continue reading
Posted in adb, axis2/c, codegen, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsdl2c, xml schema
Tagged adb, axis2/c, Axis2/Java, binary, codegen, Custom templates, Skeleton, Stub, Tools, web services, XSLT
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