Today I got to install wso2 wsf/perl in my Ubuntu 8.04 OS. It was really straight forward. Just follow the following steps and you are ready to do real web services in perl.
- Download wsf/perl 1.1 from cpan web site.
- Download wsf/c 1.3.0 from the oxygen tank.
- First extract the wsf/c packtar xvzf wso2-wsf-c-src-1.3.0.tar.gz
- Compile and install the wsf/c to a preferred directory (say /tmp/wsfc)../configure –prefix=’/tmp/wsfc’makemake install (you may need super user privileges depending on where you select to install the package)
- Install the following packages from apt respositories.perl, libperl-dev, liberror-perlYou can use the following command to install themsudo apt-get install perlsudo apt-get install libperl-dev
sudo apt-get install liberror-perl
- Now extract the WSO2-WSF-Perl-1.1.tar.gztar xvzf WSO2-WSF-Perl-1.1.tar.gz
- Set the WSFC_HOME environment variable to where you install wsf/c. (in our example it is /tmp/wsfc)export WSFC_HOME=/tmp/wsfc (Remember you have to do this every time you open a new shell, or else put this line in the ~/.bashrc file)
- Inside the WSO2-WSF-Perl-1.1 directory runperl Makefile.PLNote: This may sometime complains about missiling libraries (actually for -laxis2_minizip, -laxis2_libxml2, -lhtpwcb). Anyway this will not be a problem for your installation.
- Now the last step of your installation.makesudo make install (Here you need to have super user priviledges)
- Just go to the samples directory and run the (You need to have a wsf/php server running to response these wsf/perl calls). Make sure it gives the expexted output.
Currently WSF/Perl have only the web services client libraries. But it is rich with features like WS-Security, WS-Reliable Messaging, MTOM and many more.