Sending Encrypted Binary Messages With PHP Web Services

Web services has made the communication between heterogeneous environments (say PHP with .NET  or Java) a reality. It has defines standards for communicate not only with texts but also with binaries. And more importantly you can keep these communication confidential using encrypted messages according to your requirement. In this post, we will look at how we can implement such a system with PHP in one side.

In web services we can send/receive binary messages in two basic forms.

  1. Setting the binary inside the SOAP message. – Binary should be converted to base64 to make sure the SOAP body contains only texts. Since base64 converted data span longer than the binary data, we call this form as non-optimized way of sending binaries.
  2. Setting the binary outside the SOAP message – Binary would be sent as a MIME part in the message. And some element inside SOAP body keeps a reference to the binary using the MIME id. MTOM is a standard for referencing the MIME from inside the SOAP body. Since the binary is encoded, this will keep the message optimum with the binaries.

In WSF/PHP you can use any of these methods as you prefer. Lets forget about the encryption for now. We will check how we can send binaries in both of the above mentioned forms.

// first the request xml. Note tht xop:Include element that is referring the attachment with the id "myid1".
$reqPayloadString = <<<XML
<ns1:upload xmlns:ns1="">
               <ns1:image xmlmime:contentType="image/jpeg" xmlns:xmlmime="">
                  <xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href="cid:myid1"></xop:Include>

try {
    $f = file_get_contents("my_binary_file.jpg");

    // here in the attachments option we define the binaries
    // corresponding to the id defined in the above XML
    $reqMessage = new WSMessage($reqPayloadString,
                                array("to" => "http://localhost/simple_upload_service.php",
                                      "action" => "",
                                      "attachments" => array("myid1" => $f)));

    // creating the WSClient
    // here the option useMTOM will decide whether the
    // attachment is set MTOM or base64
    $client = new WSClient(array("useWSA" => TRUE,
                                 "useMTOM" => TRUE));

    // sending the message and retrieving the response
    $resMessage = $client->request($reqMessage);

    printf("Response = %s \\n", $resMessage->str);

} catch (Exception $e) {

    if ($e instanceof WSFault) {
        printf("Soap Fault: %s\\n", $e->Reason);
    } else {
        printf("Message = %s\\n",$e->getMessage());

As mentioned in the inline comment we can choose the preferred form of sending binary using the “useMTOM” option. if it is true, the binary is set as a MTOM, (referencing from the body) or if it is set false, the binary will be set as a base64 binary within the SOAP body.
To encrypt the message you only need to write few additional lines. First you define your policy that you need to encrypt this message using a WSPolicy object. Then the security token including the service public key and your private key. You need to give these two option as a constructor argument in WSClient. Here is that little additional code you need to write to add the encryption.

    // loading the keys
    $rec_cert = ws_get_cert_from_file("receiving_server.cert");
    $pvt_key = ws_get_key_from_file("my_private_key.pem");

    // here we defines the policies and create WSPolicy object
    $sec_array = array("encrypt" => TRUE,
                       "algorithmSuite" => "Basic256Rsa15",
                       "securityTokenReference" => "IssuerSerial");

    $policy = new WSPolicy(array("security" => $sec_array));

    // defining Security Tokens
    $sec_token = new WSSecurityToken(array("privateKey" => $pvt_key,
                                           "receiverCertificate" => $rec_cert));

    // modifing WSClient with adding WSPolicy and WSSecurityToken object
    $client = new WSClient(array("useWSA" => TRUE,
                                 "useMTOM" => TRUE,
                                 "policy" => $policy,
                                 "securityToken" => $sec_token));

You can implement the receiving side of the message similar to the sending side that we just described above. The most important thing is it doesn’t need to be written in PHP. It can be a Java code or .NET code.If you already have web services that use encrypted binary messaging, the above php code can be use out of the box to communicate with it.

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2 Responses to Sending Encrypted Binary Messages With PHP Web Services

  1. Franz says:

    How do you create the .cert and .pem file pair mentioned above?

  2. dimuthu says:

    You can create a self singed certificate (if you are doing testing work) following this guide,
    or you can get a certificate signed by a certificate authority. That guide explain how to create a private key for you too.

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