With PHP DataServices it is just a matter of putting a little configuration php file to make your database available as a web service. I only needed few minutes to make a simple web service from my blog after figuring out my wordpress database structure, http://wpbits.wordpress.com/2007/08/08/a-look-inside-the-wordpress-database/. In this guide, I m exposing the title, date and the content of each of my blog for my service, But you can extend this more the way you prefer.
- Download and install WSF/PHP 1.3.2 and PHP Data Services Library. If WSF/PHP 2.0 released by the time you are reading this, (it is to be released in this week), you only need to install WSF/PHP, since the DataServices library is packed with WSF/PHP from 2.0.
- Drop the following file (Say WordPressService.php) in to any of your web server document directories.
<?php // Make sure you put the DataService.php in your include path require_once("wso2/DataServices/DataService.php"); // database configuraitons // you have to set your database configurations in here.. // These entries can be copy and past from the wp-config.php in your wordpress installation $config = array( "db" => "mysql", "username"=>DB_USER, "password"=> DB_PASSWORD, "dbname"=>DB_NAME, "dbhost"=>DB_HOST); // output format, plese check the API from http://wso2.org/wiki/display/wsfphp/API+for+Data+Services+Revised $outputFormat = array("resultElement" => "Posts", "rowElement" => "post", "elements" => array( "title" => "post_title", "content" => "post_content", "date" => "post_date")); // sql statment to execute, note that I assume the table prefix is wp_ (so the table name is wp_posts) // just check $table_prefix variable in the wp-config.php of your wordpress installation $sql="select post_title, post_content, post_date from wp_posts where post_status='published'"; // operations is consist of inputFormat (optional), outputFormat(required), sql(sql), input_mapping(optional) $operations = array("getPosts"=>array("outputFormat"=>$outputFormat, "sql"=>$sql)); $my_data_service = new DataService(array("config"=>$config,"operations"=>$operations)); $my_data_service->reply(); ?>
- It is all. Just access the above file from a web browser, you see your service is hosted. Here is the endpoint for my service. http://ws.dimuthu.org/blog/WordpressService.php. Since I m using WSF/PHP latest svn, I m able to retrieve the wsdl automatically from http://ws.dimuthu.org/blog/WordpressService.php?wsdl. Please wait for WSF/PHP 2.0 release for ?wsdl feature.
- To verify whether your service deployed correctly, you may need to write a simple test client. Yea I too wrote one. Since I have the wsdl generated, I just needed to generate the code for the client from the wsdl using wsdl2php tool. There is an online version of the tool in the wsf/php demo site. Here is the generated code for my client, http://labs.wso2.org/wsf/php/wsdl2phptool.php?wsdl_url=http%3A%2F%2Fws.dimuthu.org%2Fblog%2FWordpressService.php%3Fwsdl. I added the following code to the TODO section in handling response,
if(is_array($response->post)) { foreach($response->post as $post) { echo "<h2>".$post->title . " - ".$post->date."</h2>"; echo "<p>"; echo $post->content; echo "</p>"; echo "<hr/>"; } }
Check my Web Service client for the above service here, http://ws.dimuthu.org/blog/WordpressClient.php.
Now I can call for my blog from any web service enabled platform.
Thank you very much for the nice article. It would have been better if you explained how to install WSF/PHP & Data Services.
As a newbie of PHP, I’m struggling alot to understand installation of WSF/PHP & Data Services on my word press library.
If possible can you please quickly drop a mail with steps required for installation of WSF/PHP & Data Services on a shared hosting environment.
Thank you very much in advance.
Pingback: Install PHP, WSF/PHP and DataServices in a Shared Hosting Environment | Dimuthu's Blog
Hi Gopinath,
Please check my blog on Install PHP, WSF/PHP and DataServices in a Shared Hosting Environment for a step by step guide to install your custom php with wsf/php and DataService libraries in a shared host.
Pingback: PHP Data Services With WS-Security | Dimuthu's Blog